Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Dear Readers:

Welcome to The Gigi Files, a blog that is made specifically as an extension of my story on Fanfiction.net, Gigi and the Olympians: The Next Prophecy. If you have stumbled across this blog without having any knowledge of my story, then... well, you're just going to be confused. So, if that's you, then you can go now!
Okay, now that we've gotten rid of those bums ;), let's get down to business. *cracks knuckles*
For the duration of this blog, each individual post will include a picture of whatever/whomever I wanted to show a visual of, and a little description, just for clarification.
Here's a little rundown of what's to come:

  • Character visuals for all of my Original Characters (i.e. Gigi, Ria, Tristan, etc...)
  • Character visuals for Rick Riordan's characters, but how they look in MY story (i.e. Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, etc...)
  • A picture of Annabeth's ring, just in case some of you didn't see it or didn't see the right one :)
  • And MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE, a wedding dress... in the future... :D mwahaha
Okay, well, that's about all I can say about the blog for now, except maybe that I really hope you guys enjoy it, and that you don't disagree with my character visuals TOO much (although if you do, well that's not my problem and you can go on imagining them however you darn well please) And please, please, please tell me what you think about this blog via review on Fanfiction.net. ...or you could just post a comment... whatever floats your boat! :)

Keep reading my story! And STAY AWESOME!

EMC (aka crayon_de_couleur)

p.s. don't worry, each picture has been stamped by dbd823's stamp of approval (she's the author of The Royal Removal  and my unofficial coauthor). So I'm not doing this by myself, nor will I be the only one to blame if something goes wrong!


  1. This is great so far, Crayon! Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see the pictures *cough cough* ;)
    Oh, and thanks for the mention of RR. Make sure you give the blog link in your next Gigi chapter!
    BTW, how far are you on that? I'm still waiting and freaking out about that next chapter, so please please please please please *looses her breath* update soon!
    Go Crayon

  2. hey, this'll be epik! srry i didnt comment sooner. and u need to update! u left us with practically a cliffie, and a MAJOR one at that!

  3. Sorry, Ayara :) you know how i like to drag things out... its a writing technique ;) or that's my excuse.
