Saturday, August 27, 2011

Annabeth Chase

File #1: Camp Half-Blood
Sub-file #2: Chase, Annabeth

     Annabeth Chase, our famously blonde-haired, gray-eyed beauty with a kick butt attitude. According to some of my readers, apparently I've mellowed out her character and made her more likable, even if I was trying to stay true to her original representation. I guess subliminally I thought that, since I was planning on officially making her Percy's fiance and the camp "mother", she should show a mature, maternal side of her.
     But fear not, the Annabeth we all know from the original series is still with us in Gigi, she's just not the main focus of the story, so I have modified her to fit that focus.
     And by the way, finding a character visual for this chick was HARD (ask my buddy Liz, who has put up with a lot from my indecision... I probably showed her fifteen different pictures at LEAST)! But I think I finally have someone I really like. Blonde=check. Gray eyes=check. And I think she has that don't-mess-with-me Look that I was looking for. That's our Annabeth!

Portrayal by: Jennifer Lawrence
Report by: EMC, author

[Previous: Percy / Next: Grover]


  1. she fits the description. its like she just came out of the book. i wished she was the one that played annabeth in the movie.

  2. can you tell me the name of your story and where can i read it? thank you

    1. hi :) wow... haven't been on here in awhile! I guess I should update this old thing now :)
      uhmmmm thanks for your approval of annabeth! yay! and, you can read my story at....

      bye :)
