Sunday, October 30, 2011

Adrianna Caruso

File #2: Base Personnel
Sub-file #1: Caruso, Adrianna

     Here she is: The notorious Commander of Base, infamous evil twin of our beloved Gigi, the one and only, Adrianna Nicolette Caruso! [cue scary music]
     Well, for starters, I've obviously done my job developing her character, because quite a few readers have voiced their opinions on her... and they are less than complimentary, to say the least. Which is a good thing! I hope that no one views her as a role model (BAD IDEA) or something like that...
     BUT, that does NOT mean you should dismiss her character, not at all. This tyrannical female is a very complex character, and I hope I've conveyed that properly. She had a very rough childhood, and a hate for the gods and claimed demigods has festered from deep-rooted feelings of loneliness and abandonment (that's a theme in my story).
     And, yes, she IS the villain - antagonist, bad guy, call it what you will - but she's not your average villain. I know I hate when the evildoers are just, I don't know, pathetic. Like, "why are these losers considered 'bad'?" I need BELIEVABLE evil. Or at the very least, understandable. So I contrived to make Ria as malicious and sinister as possible, making you guys go "she did WHAT?!" as much as possible. I hope I did. The worst thing for a story is not a bad protagonist, but a bad antagonist... (you may quote me on that).
     I could go on and on about Ria, but I'll leave her character as an explanation in itself. However, I'll say this one last thing: Ria represents everyone. Everyone has darkness in them, and everyone goes through bad times, it's just a matter of who lets themselves be controlled by it, and who fights against it. Ria would be the former, Gigi the latter.
     Food for thought.

P.S. I did a pretty good job of finding a lookalike for Gigi's portrayal, huh? I didn't want to cop out and use the same person, so I hunted this down, and I'm pretty proud of my findings! ...just saying.

Portrayal by: Lucy Hale
Report by: EMC, author.

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