Sunday, October 30, 2011

Adrianna Caruso

File #2: Base Personnel
Sub-file #1: Caruso, Adrianna

     Here she is: The notorious Commander of Base, infamous evil twin of our beloved Gigi, the one and only, Adrianna Nicolette Caruso! [cue scary music]
     Well, for starters, I've obviously done my job developing her character, because quite a few readers have voiced their opinions on her... and they are less than complimentary, to say the least. Which is a good thing! I hope that no one views her as a role model (BAD IDEA) or something like that...
     BUT, that does NOT mean you should dismiss her character, not at all. This tyrannical female is a very complex character, and I hope I've conveyed that properly. She had a very rough childhood, and a hate for the gods and claimed demigods has festered from deep-rooted feelings of loneliness and abandonment (that's a theme in my story).
     And, yes, she IS the villain - antagonist, bad guy, call it what you will - but she's not your average villain. I know I hate when the evildoers are just, I don't know, pathetic. Like, "why are these losers considered 'bad'?" I need BELIEVABLE evil. Or at the very least, understandable. So I contrived to make Ria as malicious and sinister as possible, making you guys go "she did WHAT?!" as much as possible. I hope I did. The worst thing for a story is not a bad protagonist, but a bad antagonist... (you may quote me on that).
     I could go on and on about Ria, but I'll leave her character as an explanation in itself. However, I'll say this one last thing: Ria represents everyone. Everyone has darkness in them, and everyone goes through bad times, it's just a matter of who lets themselves be controlled by it, and who fights against it. Ria would be the former, Gigi the latter.
     Food for thought.

P.S. I did a pretty good job of finding a lookalike for Gigi's portrayal, huh? I didn't want to cop out and use the same person, so I hunted this down, and I'm pretty proud of my findings! ...just saying.

Portrayal by: Lucy Hale
Report by: EMC, author.

Travis and Connor Stoll

File #1: Camp Half-Blood
Sub-file #11: Stoll, Travis and Connor

     These two lovable-looking young men would be Travis and Connor Stoll (left to right), boyfriends of our very own Solene Durand and Hadley Heatherfield, and vice versa, depending on where you are in the story...
     Originally, they weren't going to have a major role in Gigi, and they still don't, but it has grown significantly due to their ties with some of my OCs. *wink wink* and personally, I am very glad for the comic relief and little side stories they provide. It's a nice break to write a little about them rather than the rest of the drama. They have a very special little place in my heart now.
     I'm not sure what MEANING there is to their characters, other than how a lot of people make mistakes with good intentions... or, try to get something they want by going about it the wrong way. But, I'm glad they've had their happy ending so far!

Portrayal(s) by: Cole and Dylan Sprouse
Report by: EMC, author

Monday, September 5, 2011

Celeste Chandler

File #1: Camp Half-Blood
Sub-file #10: Chandler, Celeste

     Celeste is the head of the Aphrodite cabin, who took over for Silena Beauregard when she died in The Last Olympian. According to Nico (in Part 1, Chapter 2) she's "nice when she wants to be, a good fighter when she tries to be, and pretty all the time, but she only loves herself". There he goes, being all eloquent again :)
     Celeste and Gigi definitely got off on the wrong foot, with Celeste making jabs about being 'unclaimed' and 'unwanted'. While Gigi wasn't going to take any crap from her, I don't think those comments helped Gigi's little self-esteem crisis later on. Celeste was also unsupportive of Annabeth's search-and-rescure plan, and was quite vocal about it. Luckily, Annabeth doesn't take crap from anyone either. She also was being a hardcore hater, and well, let's remember how Thalia and Percy went off on her, shall we? Stuff for the record books.
     I figured, since she was an OC, she deserved a blog post. Her character isn't very focal or important, but I think she represents those people who are opposing us at those times we need the most support. Take after Gigi and Annabeth's example: standing up for yourselves and what you believe in, but don't go crazy like Thalia, okay?

Portrayal by: Holland Roden
Report by: EMC, author

[Previous: Hadley / Next: Ria]

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hadley Heatherfield

File #1: Camp Half-Blood
Sub-file #9: Heatherfield, Hadley

     And now we are on to Solene's friend and also one of Gigi's forest strays, Hadley Heatherfield. She is described as a 'golden beauty' with long brown hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. She is the daughter of Demeter, and has gained a cabin-full of half-siblings upon her arrival at Camp Half-Blood, and she nearly gave poor Nico (and friends) a heart attack when she showed up holding Gigi's braid.
     She is slowly adjusting to her new life at Camp, gaining a - fake - boyfriend and a crush all at once. While we do not know Hadley's background story yet, rest assured that you will soon find out more about this tree-hugging chick.
     As a side note, I guess I want to say the meaning behind Hadley's character is how she wants what is best for her friend, but is conflicted by her own feelings. Aka pretending to be Travis' girlfriend to make Solene jealous while harboring feelings for Connor, Solene's fake boyfriend . . . yeesh, that's confusing. But I think we've all had moments where we don't know who to think of first: ourselves or others.

Portrayal by: Willa Holland
Report by: EMC, author

[Previous: Solene / Next: Celeste]

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Solene LeClair Durand

File #1: Camp Half-Blood
Sub-file #8: Durand, Solene LeClair

     Solene LeClair Durand, one of the mysterious demigod girls who ran into Gigi during a battle with Ria's Stymphalians in the forest. She is currently the only daughter of Aeolus, sharing his pale features and abilities to manipulate wind currents.
     I know you readers don't know much about her other than she's French, maybe Asian and fake-dating Connor Stoll, while Travis Stoll is the one who really likes her... but stay tuned for the next few chapters, maybe you'll learn something about her background.
     (p.s. sorry this one is so late and so short, but there's not a lot i can say about this character, she doesn't have a very big role in the story)

Portrayal by: Annasophia Robb
Report by: EMC, author

[Previous: Gigi / Next: Hadley]

Monday, August 29, 2011

Giovanna Caruso

File #1: Camp Half-Blood
Sub-file #7: Caruso, Giovanna

     DRUM ROLL PLEASE! ... please give a round of applause for our very own Giovanna Caruso! Whoohoo! ...oh boy, where do I start?
     Well, I had this whole post already written and ready to publish, but I was looking it over and was disappointed by the way I rushed through it. So I'm going to try this again, really go in depth.
     Giovanna Rosabelle Caruso (did I ever give Gigi a middle name in the story??? I know I gave Ria one, Nicolette, but I can't remember for the life of me if Gigi ever got one... so if she did, tell me, and if she didn't, there it is: Rosabelle) is my brain child, and a really big part of the inspiration for this story. Developing her character has been like peeling an onion to me, there are lots of layers.
     Like, how at first, we see this girl running away from home, then upon her first days at Camp Half-Blood, shows a feisty but still vulnerable personality. She quickly bonds with our buddy Nico and his friends, unknowingly stealing his heart and leaving him damaged when she runs away, believing herself a psycho murderer in the making (hey, let's be honest, wouldn't you turn a little desperate if you thought that was your fate?). Then we see her need for a home when she hitchhikes with Tristan to Base, where she is thrown for ANOTHER loop when she met her twin sister Adrianna... I could go on and on, but y'all have read the story, so I don't have to.
     As an author, it has been a pleasure getting to know Gigi and myself through writing this, and if I could say one thing about the thoughts behind creating this petite Italian spitfire has been that I think she embodies all of us in some way. She makes good decisions and bad ones, tries her best to keep the people she loves safe, and is desperate for a place to belong - all the while battling her own personal demons, that resurface with every twist in the road. And I think we can all relate to that somehow. I know I can...
    And I know you guys really want Gigi to get her act together and go back to Nico, but PATIENCE, young grasshoppers. After all, Dorothy and Alice both went on magical journeys, but they both eventually returned to the place where they belonged, having learned from their experiences. Let's hope Gigi does the same, hmm?

Portrayal by: Danielle Campbell
Report by: EMC, author

[Previous: Jake / Next: Solene]

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jake Mason

File #1: Camp Half-Blood
Sub-file #6: Mason, Jake

     Jake Mason, son of Hephaestus, and the cabin head. He took over in the fifth book when Beckendorf died.... I think I shed a few tears at that part. He also wasn't mentioned a lot in the books, in fact only once or twice, but for some reason I decided to take the beginnings of his character and roll with it.
     Now, I know he doesn't have a big part in Gigi yet, but I've got BIG plans for him [rubs hands together and laughs evilly]. I've also heard some rumors that he might have a main role in an upcoming sequel to Gigi - but that's classified information!!! Very hush-hush! So... don't tell anyone! [winks]
     I envisioned him like what you see in the picture: tall, muscular (he is a smithy, after all), blonde. His personality is as follows: just a really nice guy. There aren't many of those left in the world. Personally, I wish I could meet a few. Ha. Just kidding, there are lots of great guys out there. And Jake is one of them.

Portrayal by: Jeremy Sumpter
Report by: EMC, author

[Previous: Nico / Next: Gigi!!!]